Environmental Toxins

Environmental Toxins

Think of your body as a bucket. Now, imagine that bucket filling up slowly with each toxin we encounter.  The pesticide on your foods, contaminants in the water, and even your toothpaste contain a poison warning for children. A drop here and there doesn’t seem to be a big deal because our immune systems are designed to handle a degree of toxicity. However, chronic exposure and today’s high levels of the chemical, physical, and emotional stressors fill our buckets at a much faster rate.  Once the bucket is full, a disease is imminent, your immune system is overwhelmed, and cellular inflammation occurs.


Most of us have silver fillings made from mercury. Many of us have grown up in the so-called “lead generation” with leaded gas and lead paint. It is said that it takes four generations with no exposure to “breed” the lead from our DNA. Heavy metals are passed down from mother to child in utero. Most metals we are exposed to do not impact us right away, so it’s difficult to make the connection from exposure to feeling poorly. Some are more susceptible than others because our genes and our environment play a role of symptoms. The environment we live in and the toxins we exposed to over the course of decades is a critical factor, and with the proper diet, and education we do have the power to minimize these toxins and protect our precious health.


I have had first-hand experience with toxicity. Black mold literally poisoned me in my own home.  This slow, hidden, leak from faulty shower drain installation. There was NO VISUAL EVIDENCE or NO ODOR and of this insidious monster. The presence of dangerous black mold can wreak havoc on your health.

Mold, even though it is one of the MOST DEADLY substances on the plant, it may go completely undetected in the environment because it does not always give off the musty odor we all equate with a mold intrusion.  It doesn’t take much toxic mold to cause NEUROLOGICAL DAMAGE especially if you are genetically susceptible.  Twenty-Five percent of the population or 80 MILLION people in the US alone carry a gene called  HLA DRBQ associated with mold illness or Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome. This gene is involved in the immune systems creation of the proper antibodies eliminate mold toxins.  Mycotoxins (from mold) have a convenient path through the olfactory system, directly into your brain.  Because mold toxins are fat-loving, they gravitate to other fatty organs like the brain which is more than 60% fat. If you have EVER had a leak in your home of ANY kind, live in an older house, or have any chronic condition, YOU MUST BE TESTED!  Symptoms may include but are not limited to fatigue, headache, word finding difficulty, shortness of breath, red eyes, mood swings, sharp pain, auto immune, MS, RA,Parkinsons, increased thirst,poor concentration, sinus infections,ADD/ADHD, vertigo, static shock, metallic taste in your mouth, diarrhea, numbness, inability to regulate temperature, and worsening symptoms on rainy days.  I use inexpensive, state of the art testing to determine what type of mold is present in your environment.

Personal Care Products and Our Food Supply

Yes… I went there. There are numerous toxins in our environment and research suggests that most women unknowingly walk out of their home with at least 30 toxic chemicals on their skin from the personal care products they use every single day. There have also been recent reports of common breakfast cereals containing high levels of herbicides. The great news is, we can do something about this exposure! I have an incredible program and support designed to help slow the exposure, remove the interference and restore health to the body.

By | 2021-01-21T14:34:58-06:00 January 12th, 2021|Blog|0 Comments

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